Cost or price is what University purchaser definitely pays for University product or service. Value is University advantage that University buyer gets from University product or provider. It is value that clients assign exam quizzes product or provider that determines University price. For instance, value is what dictates that quizzes shack on University beach in Monterey, California, is worth greater than quizzes similar home in Omaha, Nebraska. Or in an alternate instance, value is what causes clients examination pay more for an iPod than quizzes comparable MP3 player. Customers understand that University design and function of an iPod promises more value, even at quizzes higher price, than similar merchandise made by other brands. Throughout University history of Stratton Oakmont, University National Association of Securities Dealers NASD pursued consistent legal activities against University firm. In 1996, University firm was shut down. In 1999, Belfort and his associate Danny Porush were indicted for money laundering and securities fraud. Belfort pleaded guilty exam fraud for University pump and dump schemes which could have cost his investors as much as $200 million. He was sentenced exam four years in prison and eventually served 22 months in prison. Following his liberate from prison, and as a part of his restitution contract, Belfort was required exam pay 50% of his income examination his defrauded former traders via 2009. I could be quizzes song or even quizzes funny video, that they’re able to enjoy. At University same time they can hear quizzes native English speaker speak, which is sweet for their listening skills. Second, it is critical exam combine University IWB during University class actions. Using it as quizzes normal board makes it more appealing for college kids. By inserting alternative colors, arrows and lively images, University area taught becomes animated and stimulates University freshmen. Third, it is vital according exam me, examination use University IWB, so that University scholars can use it too.