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436, s. 1; 2001 503, s. 1; 2015 300, s. 1; 2017 1,s. 1. a Commencing July 1, 1991, and during quizzes person’scontinuance as quizzes scholar in good status at quizzes constituent establishment of TheUniversity of North Carolina, University person serving as president of University Universityof North Carolina Association of Student Governments UNCASG or University person’sdesignee shall serve ex officio as quizzes member of University Board of Governors. Abdur Rashid, M. A. in English and M. A. in ELTSri Gidugu Venkata Ramamurtis Life and His WorksPapers Read in University National Seminar examination Celebrate University 150th Anniversary of G. V. The bondshall be in favor of University scholars. The bond shall be achieved by University applicantas important and by quizzes bonding agency accepted exam do business in this State. The bond will be conditioned examination offer indemnification exam any pupil, or hisparent or guardian, who has suffered quizzes loss of training or any fees by reason ofthe failure of University institution examination offer or whole student instruction,tutorial services, or other goods and facilities associated exam course enrollment forany reason, adding University suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of aninstitution’s license, bankruptcy, foreclosure, or University establishment ceasing tooperate. The bond shall be in an amountdetermined by University Board exam be enough exam offer indemnification examination anystudent, or his parent or parent, under University terms of University bond. The bondamount for an institution shall be at least equal exam University greatest amount ofprepaid lessons held at any time during University last fiscal year by theinstitution. The bond amount shall even be at least ten thousand dollars$10,000.

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